If you're unwell, have an appointment or are going to be absent for another reason, it's essential that you tell us.
Reporting an absence - students
We've recently updated the student portal to allow you to report an absence. Once you've logged in to the student portal, press the red
icon under your photo and personal details. You'll see all your previous recorded absences here. Press 'Add Absence' and answer the questions to record your absence. This will send your course director and other teaching staff an email to confirm why and when you will be off.
If you need to change or update a recorded absence, you can press 'Edit' (as long as the absence period hasn't finished).
Any absence from college affects your learning and could affect your achievement and progression to subsequent courses. It's really important that you attend college as much as you possibly can. If your course director has concerns regarding your attendance, we will contact you (and your parent / guardian if you are under the age of 18) to discuss your progress.
If you are unable to access the student portal, please click here to use an alternative form. If you would rather speak with someone, please call our absence line on 01553 815999 between 8.30am - 5pm. Please be prepared with your student number, name and reason for your absence. If you're calling out of hours, you will have the opportunity to leave a voicemail.
Reporting an absence - parents / guardians
We've recently updated the student portal to allow your young person to record an absence (see above). If you need to record an absence on behalf of your young person, please use the following form:
If you would rather speak with someone, please call our absence line on 01553 815999 between 8am - 5pm. Please be prepared with your young person's student number, name and reason for their absence.
It's really important that you tell us why you are absent before 10am on the day of the absence.
Any absence from college affects your learning. It's really important that you work towards your attendance being as high as possible. If you are under the age of 18, we will contact your parent / guardian if you are absent from college and haven't told us why.
If you have any queries regarding an absence, please email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..