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The college operates a financial support scheme which can help students whose financial circumstances make it difficult for them to meet the costs associated with study. If eligible, you could receive help with costs such as course fees, materials, kit and equipment, transport, childcare and accommodation. Free meals on the days you are at college are also available for eligible students. All awards are based on your financial needs and consider the amount of funds available.

If you're an adult learner, you can find further details about whether you're eligible for a free course by completing our fee calculator here.

If your household income is below £45,000 per annum, you are likely to be eligible for financial support.

Applications for financial support

Applications for financial support are made online.

  • Current students (courses starting from Sept '23)

    You can complete an application for financial support on our online financial support portal. On the portal, you'll also be able to make changes to your application, upload evidence (either a picture or scanned copy) and see all payments and documents which have been sent to you about your application. 


    To start using the portal, you'll need to log in with your student email address and password (the one you use for the student portal, your student number followed by e.g. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 

  • Prospective students (courses starting from Sept '24

    You can complete an application for financial support on our online financial support portal. On the portal, you'll also be able to make changes to your application, upload evidence (either a picture or scanned copy) and see all payments and documents which have been sent to you about your application. 


    To start using the portal, choose the correct academic year (Sept 24 - Aug 25) and log in with your student email address and password (the one you use for the student portal, your student number followed by e.g. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). 

Am I eligible? What could I be eligible for?

Funding varies depending on your age, the course you are studying and household income. There are five main separate funds which make up our financial support scheme. These are:

  • 16-19 Bursary Fund
  • Vulnerable Student Bursary
  • Free Meals Fund
  • Discretionary Learner Support Fund (aged 19+)
  • Advanced Learner Loan Bursary (aged 19+)


Full details on how we award and assess applications can be found in our financial support guidance booklet. Please click the relevant section below for more information.

  • Aged 16 - 18 when the course starts / started or aged 19 - 25 with an EHCP

    To qualify for the 16 - 19 Bursary Fund, you must be aged:

    • 16-18 on the 31st August before the course begins OR;
    • 19 - 25 with an active Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) OR;
    • 19 or over and continuing on a study programme you began when aged 16 - 18 (e.g., a 2 year level 3 course)

     You should have a household income of less than £45,000 per annum. Students with a gross annual income of more than £45,000 can apply but should demonstrate that they are facing financial hardship. Please refer to our financial support guidance booklet for more details.

    Through the 16 - 19 Bursary Fund, you may receive support with:

    • transport – whether you’d prefer a contribution towards petrol or a bus / train pass
    • uniform, kit and equipment considered essential for you to complete your course
    • compulsory or beneficial trips
    • print credit
    • progression costs (i.e. UCAS application fee, travel contribution for open days / interviews)
    • work-placement*


    *If you are studying a course with an industry industry-based placement of 300+ hours per year (e.g. T-Levels) you may be eligible for further support even if your household income is more than £45,000 per annum. Please complete an application through the financial support portal.

    Free Meals Fund

    You are likely to be eligible for a free meal during the days you attend college if you/your family receive any of the following:

    • Income Support
    • Income-related Jobseekers’ Allowance or Employment Support Allowance
    • Universal Credit (where net earnings do not exceed £7,400 per annual year)
    • The guarantee element of State Pension Credit
    • Child Tax Credit (provide you/they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income below £16,190)


    A free meal will be added to your ID card each day (up to the value of £4.00) and you can use it at our food outlets - just like a contactless card payment!

    Vulnerable Student Bursary

    Are you aged 16-18 and:

    • in care or a care leaver? or;
    • in receipt of Income Support / Universal Credit and live independently / semi-independently?  

    If you can answer yes to any of the above, not only are you likely to be eligible for the above 16-19 Bursary Fund, you may also be entitled to our vulnerable student bursary of up to £1,200 per year! Payments will be spread throughout the year and will subject to your behaviour and attendance.

    Childcare support

    The government’s Care to Learn scheme can help with childcare costs (up to £160 per child per week) while you study. For more information, please click here.

  • All other students aged 19 or over at the start of the course

    If you are aged 19 or over when you start your course and your household income is below £45,000 per annual year (your parent’s income is not considered, we need to know about yours and your co-habiting partner’s (if applicable) income), you are likely to be eligible for either our Discretionary Learner Support Fund or Advanced Learner Loan Bursary.

    If eligible, you could receive a contribution towards:

    • courses fees, if applicable. You can find more information about course fees here.
    • transport – a contribution is allocated based on mileage and is paid at the end of each month (based on your attendance)
    • uniform, kit and equipment
    • compulsory trips
    • accommodation – if you are studying Access to Medicine or Access to Veterinary Science, live over 2.5 hours away and relocate to the area
    • childcare costs for the hours you are in college (for those aged 20 or above. If you are 19, please refer to the Care to Learn scheme).


    Please note that learners who pay the full course fee for a level 3 or level 4 course are not eligible for either bursary.

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General Enquiries
01553 761 144

Student Services
01553 815 271


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